

 2016/3/1    通譯翻譯|同聲傳譯



D: Hello, the Organizing Committee of China Import and Export Fair. May I help you?
(譯文: 你好,中國(guó)進(jìn)出口交易會(huì)組委會(huì),能為您效勞嗎?)
T: 是的。我們想咨詢第105屆中國(guó)進(jìn)出口交易會(huì)的信息。
(譯文: Yes. We’d like to get some information about the 105th Session of China Import and Export Fair.)
D: What specific information do you need, Sir?
(譯文: 您具體想了解什么信息呢,先生?)
T: 嗯,參加展覽的費(fèi)用是多少呢?
(譯文: Er, what are the expenses for participating in this exhibition?)
D: The standard booth is 30 000 RMB in the International Pavilion. It is 9 sqm with standard facilities.
(譯文: 國(guó)際館的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)展位是人民幣三萬(wàn)塊,面積是九平米,有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的配套設(shè)施。)
T: 如果我們想?yún)⒄?,?yīng)該怎么辦呢?
(譯文: If we want to participate, what should we do?)
D: You can log on our website and fill in the Participation Application Form online.
(譯文: 您可以登錄我們的網(wǎng)頁(yè),在線填寫(xiě)參展申請(qǐng)表。)
T: 好的,謝謝。
(譯文: OK. Thank you.)
D: I’m glad to be of some help to you. Goodbye.
(譯文: 很高興為您效勞,再見(jiàn)。)